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Bad news for Paul Simon: "I have almost completely lost the hearing in one ear."

Paul Simon has been one of the public's most beloved artists for decades, both in the famous duo paired with Art Garfunkel and as a solo artist, when, for example, he released the famous album 'Graceland', one of the best albums in the world music genre, according to specialist critics.

Unfortunately, however, in a recent interview with the 'Times', Paul Simon revealed that he had severe hearing problems, which manifested themselves suddenly and have not yet resolved. It all happened coincidentally, during the making of the latest record.

Simon then revealed how likely it is that he will return to the stage, given the presence of these problems that are afflicting him.

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Paul Simon's health condition
Paul Simon has been one of the public's most beloved artists for decades, both as a duo with Art Garfunkel and as a solo artist, when for example he released the famous album 'Graceland', one of the best records of world music. Unfortunately, however, in a recent interview with the 'Times', Paul Simon revealed that he has severe hearing problems. Simon went on to speculate how likely it is that he will return to the stage, given the presence of these problems that are afflicting him.
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Paul Simon had retired in 2018
Let's start at the beginning. In 2018, after a long farewell tour, Paul Simon had officially retired from the world of music and public life. According to his words five years ago, he would devote himself exclusively to his family from then on.
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When did the deafness occur?
Despite his official retirement in 2018, the singer-songwriter has actually not given up music and has been working on a new album, 'Seven Psalms', which will be released in May 2023. Precisely during the production of this record, Simon began to gradually lose the hearing in his left ear.
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Paul Simon's words to the 'Times
These are Paul Simon's words on partial deafness: 'Suddenly, I almost completely lost the hearing in my left ear. Everything became more difficult. My reaction was a mixture of frustration and annoyance. I thought the problem would solve itself'.
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The possible causes of Paul Simon's problem
It is unbelievable, but the singer-songwriter has still not understood what the progressive deafness could be due to. "No one has an explanation," Simon added during the interview, so much so that he confessed that he was sure the problem would disappear at any moment, just as it suddenly appeared.
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The possible live return
Also taking into account his 2018 retirement and health problems, Paul Simon's return to live concerts seems increasingly unlikely at this point. The conditions to return to live singing are not there, even occasionally, despite the fact that the public has never stopped showing him affection.
Paul Simon's negative words about his old songs.
Still on the subject of live performances, Paul confessed that he would not be too keen on the idea of playing some of his old, historic songs (even those made in the days of the famous duo Simon & Garfunkel). 'There are songs I like, but at one point on the tour I thought: what are you doing, Paul? You're becoming a Paul Simon cover band,' said the singer-songwriter.
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Paul Simon also commented on the deaths of his distinguished colleagues
In particular, Simon, who will turn 82 in October, spoke of the deaths of Jeff Beck and Gordon Lightfoot, both of whom passed away in 2023: 'That's how old we are. For my generation, time is up'.
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Simon now looks regretful
In conclusion, perhaps also due to the deafness problems that are affecting him, Paul Simon appears quite resigned as far as his future in music is concerned. Incidentally, the singer-songwriter himself admitted that he now feels physically weakened, yet he does not lose his smile: 'But I still look good, don't I?' he concluded.
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