Why did Daft Punk split up ? The reasons explained by Bangalter

In 2021, after an 18-year career in which they reached the highest peaks of global electronic music, Daft Punk, the robotic duo featured at music festivals around the world, split up.

Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo and Thomas Bangalter have embarked on separate careers, and now, Bangalter has explained the reasons that led him to decide to leave the group. To the BBC, the Paris-based DJ spoke about his fears related to the advancement of technology and artificial intelligence.

Fears that he shares with many people in this time of technological change, but which have unfortunately deprived the world of a legendary group, which now lives only through its many past successes.

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Why did Daft Punk split up ? The reasons explained by Bangalter
In 2021, after an 18-year career in which they reached the highest peaks of global electronic music, Daft Punk, the robotic duo starring at music festivals around the world, split up. Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo and Thomas Bangalter embarked on separate careers, and now, Bangalter has explained the reasons that led him to decide to leave the group. To the BBC, the Parisian DJ spoke of his fears related to the advancement of technology and artificial intelligence. Fears that he shares with many people in this time of technological change, but which have unfortunately deprived the world of a legendary group, which now lives on only through its many past successes.
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Why did Daft Punk split up? The reasons explained by Bangalter
One of the two co-founders of Daft Punk, Thomas Bangalter, recently spoke in a BBC interview about his reasons for disbanding the French electronic duo in 2021. The reasons are actually much more diverse and profound than one might expect. Indeed, coming from such an expert connoisseur of music technology, these words have a certain effect.
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Why did Daft Punk split up? The reasons explained by Bangalter
According to Bangalter, it was important for Daft Punk not to spoil the narrative that had been constructed. Furthermore, the latter said that he was concerned about the nature of the relationship between men and machines, and that it was also very important, once the group split up, to unveil some of the creative processes that had affected the group for almost 20 years.
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Why did Daft Punk split up? The reasons explained by Bangalter
In fact, according to the Parisian DJ's disclosure, part of the reason behind his move away from electronic-driven music is due to the rise of artificial intelligence and its growing influence on the creative side. Bangalter stresses how Daft Punk used technology to express something exciting that a machine could not understand or comprehend. He also emphasizes how his image was important in the choice: in 2023, he says, he would like to be anything but a robot.
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Why did Daft Punk split up? The reasons explained by Bangalter
After the end of his career with Daft Punk, Bangalter released his first solo album in more than twenty years, "Mythologies", originally intended as a soundtrack for a ballet that was staged at the Grand Théâtre in Bordeaux last July.
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Why did Daft Punk split up? The reasons explained by Bangalter
However, this record, which will see the light of day on April 7, was anticipated by the release of the first two singles, namely "L’Accouchement" and "Le Minotaure".
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