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AI created a song: "Heart on My Sleeve" by "AI Drake feat AI The Weeknd"

Recently, there has been a lot of talk about artificial intelligence, its potential implications, both positive and negative, and its impact on the world, including art.

Artificial intelligence, in fact, can create fake photos, increasing the risk of fake news, but it can also create original or unpublished works and it is very difficult to distinguish the real from the fake.

This applies, for example, to 'Heart on My Sleeve', a 'duet' between Drake and The Weeknd that was not actually made by the two Canadian artists, although it would seem that it was...

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The case of "Heart on My Sleeve"
Recently, there has been a lot of talk about artificial intelligence, its potential implications, both positive and negative, and its impact on the world, including art. Indeed, AI can create fake photos, increasing the risk of fake news, and can also generate original or unpublished works: as a result, it is very difficult to distinguish the real from the fake. This is true, for example, of 'Heart on My Sleeve', a 'duet' between Drake and The Weeknd that was not actually created by the two Canadian artists, even though, listening to the song, it would seem that it was...
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What is "Heart on My Sleeve"?
Heart on My Sleeve is a song that has recently been blowing up on social networks, especially on TikTok and Instagram. On the net, this single is attributed to 'AI Drake feat AI The Weeknd' and indeed, listening to it, the voices sound like the two Canadian artists, who however did not record this song at all.
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The true origin of this song
"Heart on My Sleeve" was actually partially created with Artificial Intelligence: an anonymous author, specially named "Ghostwriter977", sang and spread the song on TikTok, then used AI to generate the vocal timbres of The Weeknd and Drake. from scratch And the result was incredible. The production of the song is anonymous, but it appears that a startup called "Laylo"" would be involved.
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The success of "Heart on My Sleeve"
In a short time, the song went viral online, so much so that it was initially also posted on music streaming platforms, such as Spotify, where, however, the single was not attributed in the credits to the two Canadian singers, but to an artist named, again, "Ghostwriter". The song was later removed from the services of streaming precisely because it most likely violated copyright.
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"Heart on My Sleeve" is not the first case where AI recreates an artist's voice
A couple of months ago, in fact, David Guetta had included Eminem's voice in one of his live tracks: or, to be more precise, Emin-AI-em, as the DJ called it, i.e. the AI version of the rapper, a version that perfectly replicated his voice. This, however, was an experiment done with ironic intentions, but the result was remarkably similar to the original.
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The case of "Heart on My Sleeve" gives pause for thought
AI can perfectly recreate the vocal timbre of famous artists, and this is causing numerous doubts, both among the public and record labels. As the Financial Times reported, for example, Universal Music Group has asked streaming services to prevent AI companies from 'stealing' content from their platforms that is then used to create songs with AI, replicating the style of the singers.
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AI would violate copyright and the intellectual property of those who produce music
Clearly, the goal of labels such as Universal Music is to protect musicians and their art, as AI would violate copyright, illicitly appropriating parts of songs to recreate singers' voices: therefore, Universal would like to prevent singles made with AI support from circulating on streaming platforms. This affair raises a question: will artificial intelligence, in the future, be able to independently create hit?
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