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Lewis Capaldi and the difficult life with Tourette's syndrome: his words and the reaction of the fans

Lewis Capaldi is one of the most popular singer-songwriters of the moment, author of songs that have topped the world charts such as 'Someone You Loved', 'Before You Go' and 'Forget Me'.

In September 2022, the singer revealed that he suffers from Tourette's syndrome, a neurological disorder characterised by the presence of involuntary motor and vocal tics, sometimes fleeting and sometimes chronic, the severity of which can vary depending on the moment and the emotional state.

During the last few concerts, Lewis suffered from Tourette's attacks that prevented him from completing some songs. However, the fans did not abandon him and even made moving gestures. Here are Lewis Capaldi's words on the syndrome he suffers from.

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Lewis Capaldi and the difficult life with Tourette's syndrome
Lewis Capaldi is one of the most popular singer-songwriters of the moment thanks to his songs that have topped the world charts, such as 'Someone You Loved', 'Before You Go' and 'Forget Me'. The singer revealed that he suffers from Tourette's syndrome, a neurological disorder characterised by the presence of involuntary motor and vocal tics, sometimes fleeting and sometimes chronic, the severity of which can vary depending on the moment and the emotional state. During the last few concerts, Lewis suffered from Tourette's attacks that prevented him from completing some songs: the fans, however, did not abandon him and even made moving gestures. Here are Lewis Capaldi's words on the syndrome he suffers from.
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Lewis Capaldi found out that he suffered from Tourette's syndrome in September 2022
During a live broadcast on his Instagram page, the Scottish singer revealed last September that he had discovered why he often experiences involuntary nerve contractions. "Apparently I've been suffering from it forever, and the worst thing is that the symptoms occur when I'm stressed or happy. Some days it's harder, some days it's less," he said Lewis.
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What happens to Lewis when it is hit by an attack of Tourette's? He explained it
During interviews, the voice of 'Someone You Loved' explained what the attacks she suffers from consist of. 'Sometimes my left shoulder goes up and my head does sudden jerks,' he stated. Furthermore, during a guest appearance on the Jonathan Ross Show, Lewis revealed that many people thought his sudden movements were the result of drugs, but this was clearly not the case.
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The singer underwent a scientific study to limit attacks of the syndrome
In January this year, the singer-songwriter took part in an experiment at the University of Nottingham to test a technological device to be worn on the wrist, designed to try to limit attacks of the syndrome. This device is a kind of smartwatch that, by picking up certain brain signals, would be able to reduce the intensity of involuntary tics and jerks.
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Lately Capaldi has also been suffering from Tourette's on stage
Lewis has never been ashamed of this syndrome and has openly described the problems, including in his daily and emotional life, as the medication has also had an impact on his libido. In any case, before the concerts, the musician warned the audience: 'You might see me take a few shots here on stage, but there's nothing to worry about, I'm fine,' he said before starting to sing in Belfast.
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The audience did not leave the singer alone
Recently some videos are circulating on the web of a concert in Frankfurt in which Capaldi, while performing the last song on the setlist (the beautiful "Someone You Loved"), was caught in a series of contractions that forced him to stop and stop singing. The fans, however, stood by him and started singing even louder, helping Lewis finish the song: it was a very moving moment.
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Capaldi received compliments from Emma McNally, CEO of Tourettes Action
Emma McNally, CEO of the charity Tourettes Action, praised the Scottish singer-songwriter's courage, emphasising how important it is for a celebrity to share his experience with the public, thereby normalising his condition. "By making his diagnosis public, Lewis can encourage others to do the same: the more people talk about Tourette's syndrome, the better," said Emma McNally.
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The Scottish singer-songwriter's most recent recording projects
Tourette's syndrome will certainly not stop Lewis Capaldi, who will release his second studio album, 'Broken by Desire to Be Heavenly Sent', on 19 May 2023. Two chart-topping singles have already been extracted from this album: the first is 'Forget Me', released in September 2022, the second is 'Pointless', released in December and written by Ed Sheeran. Lewis is currently on tour and will perform in Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, Spain, Germany and Italy in March.
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