76 years ago David Bowie was born: all the curiosities about the incredible life of The Thin White Duke

76 years ago in Brixton, a southern suburb of London, David Robert Jones was born, known to all as the unforgettable David Bowie.

Multifaceted musician with superfine talent, but not only: David Bowie was a total artist, one of the first to understand the importance of building a unique and original image to be remembered in the entertainment world.

Bowie died on January 10, 2016, two days after his birthday: his art, however, is unforgettable, as well as his life, in which periods of darkness and light alternated. Here are some curiosities about The Thin White Duke.

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76 years ago he was born David Bowie
76 years ago in Brixton, a southern suburb of London, David Robert Jones was born, known to all as the unforgettable David Bowie. Multifaceted musician with superfine talent, but not only: David Bowie was an artist from all points of view, one of the first to understand the importance of building a unique and original image to be remembered in the entertainment world. Bowie died on January 10, 2016, two days after his birthday: his art, however, is unforgettable, as well as his life, in which periods of darkness and light alternated. Here are some curiosities about The Thin White Duke.
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Bowie was born on the same day as Elvis
January 8 is not a date like any other in the world of music: on this day, in fact, in 1935 the King of Rock and Rollwas also born, Elvis Presley. But that's not all: along with the two music stars, the Stephen Hawking scientist was born on January 8, 1942.
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His first instrument was a saxophone
Bowie became passionate about music playing the saxophone when he was still very young, at the age of 12. In general, The White Duke was able to play many instruments, among them: guitar, piano, bass, harmonica, keyboards and fountain pen.
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Bowie had a constantly dilated pupil due to a punch.
Bowie's iconic eyes appeared slightly different colors. In reality, the strange optical effect was due to the fact that his left pupil was constantly dilated due to an eyesore received by his schoolmate George Underwood: it seems that the quarrel was born because of a girl, with whom they had both fallen in love. Despite the quarrel, Bowie and Underwood became lifelong friends and also artistic collaborators.
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During the seventies he had a relationship with his mother in Slash
That's right: for a while,Bowie was romantically linked to Ola Hudson, famous fashion designer and mother of Slash,  guitarist of Guns N' Roses. Ola had designed severalBowie dresses  during the seventies and Slash himself in an interview stated that once it was he who found his mother naked together with the English singer. 
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He refused the honours bestowed on him by Queen Elizabeth II.
Twice the singer did not accept the Queen's honors: that of Commander of the Order of the British Empire (2000) and that of Knight (2003). The same Bowie claimed to have refused because he had no interest in noble titles, having chosen instead to concentrate his whole life on music, without too many pretensions.
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He was fond of Eastern philosophies
The passion for Eastern philosophies and disciplines, especially Buddhism, began in 1967, when David spent a period of isolation with four Tibetan monks in Scotland together with his girlfriend at the time,Hermione Farthingale.Bowie   requested in his will that his remains be cremated and scattered on the island of Bali,  or in another place of your choice, as long as the Buddhist ritual was respected. 
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He hated tea
Unlike many other Englishmen, The Thin White Duke did not particularly appreciate tea. On the contrary, he apparently detested it. It was the singer who revealed that at the age of 5 he had an accident with a cup of tea and from that moment he decided that he would never drink it again.
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A spider bears his name...
Heteropoda Davidbowie is the name of this spider in the picture, discovered in Asia in 2008. This species is very rare and has been named after the English singer precisely because of its rarity: giving it this name so popular and unusual, the discoverer of this spider, the German arachnologist Peter Jäger, has in fact thought that it could draw public attention to the fact that many varieties of spiders risk extinction.
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... and even an ice cream!
Not just a spider: in 2018 David Bowie became an ice cream, or rather 4 ice creams, designed in Italy, precisely in Bologna. In particular, here are the 4 flavors inspired by the figure of the singer: Alien from Mars (pistachio with hemp seeds, green),Moonage Ice Dream (red kiwi, lime and black cherries, cream),  A Lad Insane (tonka bean milk with stracciatella, blue color) and Black root Star (licorice, coconut milk, honey and pollen colored with charcoal, black color).
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